Sorry we didn't get this to you before Labor Day. Our schedules just got away from us. But we're back, refreshed, re-inspired and as promised ready to provide you with more ideas of how to get the most out of your Farmer's Market Bounty. As the summer begins to wind down, it's easy to greedily stuff your basket with more and more of what seems like the last tomatoes, or peaches or berries. Here are a few of our standbys for using up "garden overflow"
Ratatouille, Capunta, and other Vegetable Stews
The great things about these dishes is that they are equally delicious warm or room temperature. Another big bonus it that you can vary the ingredients to work with what's on hand. The method is pretty much the same ... Cut up the vegetables in equal sizes. Anywhere from 2 inch to 1/2 inch, depending on whether you want a heartier stew or more of a condiment.
Saute or roast each vegetable separately with some olive oil, salt & pepper. Once everything is cooked combine, and add some tomato sauce or peeled, chopped tomato and any herbs you want. Cook together over high heat until the tomato breaks down a little and serve. Or chill and serve room temperature or cold.
Ratatouille is classically eggplant, zucchini, onion, tomato and basil.
Capunata is mostly eggplant, with celery, onion, zucchini, peppers, olives and raisins.
Any other combinations can be inspired as well. Maybe Butternut Squash, Apples, Peppers and Onions? or Fennel, Zucchini, Shallots and Black Olive. Whatever is left ...
Grilled Vegetable Salad
Always take the time to cook some extra veggies when you are grilling or roasting vegetables for dinner. You are minutes away from a great salad of chopped vegetables. Toss with Olive Oil and Herb Vinegar or Balsamic Vinegar, maybe some Sun Dried Tomato, or Pine Nuts, Olives, or Almonds, and a healthy handful of fresh herbs. Brand new dish from yesterday's leftovers.
Salsa Cruda
Just a rough chop of extra tomatoes and you are half way to a delicious salsa. Chilies, Scallions, Peaches, Red-Green-Yellow Peppers, Apples, Berries, or even some of those leftover grilled veggies.... Salt, Pepper and maybe a squeeze of Lime.
Quick Pickles
Most firm veggies take well to a quick pickle. Some, like cucumbers, carrots or radishes work just great raw; others like green beans, fennel, mushrooms, asparagus or cauliflower will be more successful if blanched first.
All we do is combine some good vinegar and water (about 50% of the amount of vinegar), with garlic, herbs, whole peppercorns, salt and a few spoons of sugar (to taste). Bring to a simmer and pour over the vegetables in a non reactive bowl. Set a plate on top to keep the vegetables submerged and allow to cool. Refrigerate for a day or so and they are good to go.

Having tasted the Ratatouille I must say that I will be trying to make this soon. Delicious dish!!!!!